Here’s a roundup of 7 of the best white noise machines available on Amazon. Finding white noise machines is easy enough but just like anything else, it’s best to take a closer look in order to find the one that’s best for your particular needs. If you live in a noisy city, you’re a light sleeper or you have a snoring partner a white noise machine might be just what you need to get a good night’s sleep. White noise differs from any other type of noise because it’s even across all frequencies, there are no jarring highs and lows. When you’re jolted awake at night it’s not the noise itself or the source of the noise that to blame, it’s the change in frequency. Essentially, white noise machines create an even layer of noise that blocks out ambient, inconsistent noises. The aim here is to provide a range of noise options for users in different situations.

It also looks the nicest, with its small black shape, rounded corners and blue trim. They are designed to emit a high pitched static of random frequencies. The Avantek sleep white noise machine is the highest tech of the three options listed here. White noise machines serve two purposes they block distracting noise and emit soothing, relaxing sounds. Those that use them believe that not only does the white noise help them fall asleep, but it also helps them stay asleep longer.

However, interestingly enough, as much as five percent of the population say they use a white noise machine to achieve a better night’s sleep. So turning on a machine that makes noise in order to go to sleep can seem pretty counterintuitive.

The noise from car alarms going off or fire trucks zipping by with sirens blaring can disturb anyone’s sleep.